2023 Meetings

Click or tap the icons in the Agenda and Minutes columns to view information about a meeting. All agendas and minutes are PDF documents.

Swipe left and right over the below table to view all content.

1/10/2023Committee of the Whole Meeting*Changed to Special Meeting
1/24/2023Board Meeting
1/26/2023 to 1/28/2023Board of Commissioners Attending Soaring to New Heights Conference 
2/14/2023Committee of the Whole Meeting*
2/28/2023Board Meeting
3/4/2023Board of Commissioners Attending NFC Fitness Court Opening and St. Patrick’s Day Parade 
3/14/2023Committee of the Whole Meeting* Meeting Time Change to 5:30 p.m.
3/28/2023Board of Commissioners Participating in Parks Tour at 5 p.m. 
3/28/2023Board Meeting
4/11/2023Committee of the Whole Meeting*Changed to Special Meeting
4/25/2023Board Meeting
5/2/2023 to 5/3/2023Board Members Attending the IAPD Legislative Conference in Springfield, IL 
5/9/2023Committee of the Whole Meeting* – Meeting Canceled. No Reschedule.  
5/16/2023Board of Commissioners Attending the Lemont Park District Community Engagement Task Force Meeting 
5/23/2023Board Meeting
6/1/2023Board of Commissioners Attending the Lemont Park District Community Engagement Task Force Meeting 
6/9/2023Board of Commissioners Attending Village of Lemont 150th Anniversary Commemoration in Downtown Lemont 
6/13/2023Committee of the Whole Meeting*
6/27/2023Board Meeting
6/29/2023Board of Commissioners Attending the Veterans Tribute at Legion Park, 6 p.m. 
7/11/2023Committee of the Whole Meeting* Meeting Canceled. No Reschedule.  
7/25/2023Board Meeting – Meeting Rescheduled to Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at the Centennial Community Center at 7 p.m.
8/8/2023Committee of the Whole Meeting*Meeting Canceled. No Reschedule.   
8/22/2023Board Meeting
9/6/2023Board of Commissioners Attending ADA Transition Plan Community Engagement Meeting at Centennial Community Center at 6:30 p.m. 
9/12/2023Land & Water Conservation Grant Community Meeting 6 p.m. 
9/12/2023Decennial Committee on Efficiency Meeting 6:30 p.m.
9/12/2023Committee of the Whole Meeting* – Meeting will convene immediately following the Decennial Committee on Efficiency Meeting
9/19/2023Board of Commissioners Attending the Connemara Park Planning Meeting at The CORE, 6 p.m. 
9/26/2023Board Meeting
10/10/2023Committee of the Whole Meeting*Meeting Canceled. No Reschedule.  
10/16/2023Board of Commissioners Attending the Lemont Park District Community Information Meeting at 6:30 p.m. 
10/19/2023Board of Commissioners Attending the Lemont Park District Community Information Meeting at 10 a.m. 
10/23/2023Special Meeting at The CORE Fitness & Aquatic Complex at 4 p.m. 
10/24/2023Special Meeting at The CORE Fitness & Aquatic Complex at 4 p.m. 
10/24/2023Board Meeting
10/25/2023Board of Commissioners Attending the Lemont Park District Community Information Meeting at 6:30 p.m. 
11/7/2023Committee of the Whole Meeting*Meeting Canceled. No Reschedule.  
11/13/2023Board of Commissioners Attending the Lemont Park District Community Engagement Task Force Meeting 
11/14/2023Budget Workshop
11/14/2023Board Meeting
12/5/2023Committee of the Whole Meeting*Meeting Canceled. No Reschedule.  
12/12/2023Board Meeting
12/19/2023Special Meeting – 6:00 p.m. at Canal Center

* These meetings are subject to change and will be scheduled as needed.